Telling us about a change of address

It is important that we are provided with up to date contact details as we may need to write to you or the adult/granter at a future date. If we have not been notified of an address change the letter will be sent to a former address. 

Notifying us of a change

When notifying us please make sure you provide us with the:

  1. Reference number. It will always begin with PG/
  2. Full name of the granter/adult or attorney/withdrawer/intervener/guardian
  3. Previous postal address including postcode
  4. Details of the new postal address including postcode

Please complete our form to inform of a change of address.

Alternatively you can notify us by email. However, please ensure you provide all the necessary information detailed above.

When we receive notification of the change of address we will update our records and then let you know when we have done so.