
Guardianship orders - Remuneration rates to increase

Mar 29, 2017

Remuneration is a payment made to you from the adult's estate to compensate you for your actings as guardian. This is calculated by us on the approval of your account. The amount of remuneration we set will depend on the value of the adult's estate at the start of the accounting period. The current payment rates have now been reviewed and will increase on 1st April 2017 and apply to accounts lodged after this date. See our leaflet for more information on remuneration.

The following rates will apply for accounts due and lodged after 1st April 2017:

Capital Value of Estate* Remuneration as % of Value Min
First accounts:
£0 to £100,000 3.75% £600 £3,750
£100,001 to £250,000 3.25% £3,750 £8,125
£250,001 to £500,000 2.25% £8,125 £11,250
£500,001 to £750,000 2.00% £11,250 £15,000
£750,001 to £1,000,000 1.75% £15,000 £17,500
£1,000,001 and above 1.50% £17,500 £19,500
Second and Subsequent accounts:
£0 to £100,000 3.25% £600 £3,250
£100,001 to £250,000 2.75% £3,250 £6,875
£250,001 to £500,000 2.00% £6,875 £10,000
£500,001 to £750,000 1.75% £10,000 £13,125
£750,001 to £1,000,000 1.50% £13,125 £15,000
£1,000,001 and above 1.25% £15,000 £19,500

*The capital value of the estate excludes heritable property which the adult is currently living in or where the adult mostly lived