Case Study 2
Ray's Story

Ray is 15 years old and cannot make any decisions for himself as he does not have mental capacity. He lives at home with his parents Mr & Mrs Robertson and attends hospital on a regular basis as he has specific health care needs. He is due to receive a large compensation payment and he cannot manage this himself. He does not have a bank account.
Mr & Mrs Robertson have heard that they will not be able to make decisions for Ray when he becomes an adult i.e. 16. They have since met with social workers and other key workers to establish the facts about what they need to have put in place to make sure that they have continued legal authority when Ray turns 16.
They are now taking the necessary steps with their solicitor so that an application can be made to the sheriff court for a welfare and financial guardianship order 3 months prior to Ray’s 16th birthday. This means that the order will be effective and in place when Ray turns 16.