Compulsory training workshop

It is compulsory for the NSO to complete a training course which outlines the scheme rules and demonstrates how to meet the ‘clean standard’ when submitting accounts. 

We recognise that the files, forms and accounting etc. may not be processed by the financial guardian and we strongly recommend that you make sure the staff within your firm who do this work and submit the accounts also attend the training. It will ensure clean accounts and continued membership of the scheme. The date for the next round of workshops is to be agreed.

Please email for further information on the next available training course.

Training resources

We have provided some examples of completed sections of the full annual account form to outline how the form should be completed for the given scenarios. We hope that this resource will help you meet and maintain the clean standard, and your continued membership of the scheme.

Schedule 1      heritable property          Schedule 4      Other income     

Schedule 1      moveable assets           Schedule 5      Living expenses

Schedule 2      Interest payment           Schedule 6      Other expenses

Schedule 3      Income                          Summary

In addition to the above, you might find the fully completed examples for a full annual account for the scenarios below helpful:   

Example 1 - Small estate, no heritable property, bank accounts, sale of investments, general income, general expenditure

Example 2 - Medium estate, no heritable property, bank accounts, investments, transfer of investments, shares, general income, general expenditure

Example 3 - Larger estate, heritable property sold, bank accounts, bonds sold, investments, new investments, general income, general expenditure

If you are interested in joining the scheme or if you are a member of the scheme and require assistance, please contact: