Supporting information

This should be sent to us along with your completed full account. Refer to the information below to make sure you send the right documents to support your account.



Schedule 1 – heritable property

  • Property sold
    Send a copy of the statement of sale and evidence showing the free proceeds of the sale going into the adult’s bank account. If consent in principle was not sought, you will need to send a copy of the statement of sale document.
  • Property purchased
    Send a copy of the statement of purchase and evidence showing where the funds came from to purchase the property. If consent in principle was not sought, you will need to send a copy of the statement of purchase document.


Schedule 1 – moveable assets

  • Bank accounts
    Bank statements covering the full accounting period payments
  • Realisations
    Contract notes for any realisation of sale and the lodgement
  • Shares
    Statements or portfolio evidence. If there are several investments please indicate in the portfolio document which figures you have used in the account form.
  • Investments
    Provide evidence at the end of account period for any bonds/property invested or sold. If there are multiple investments please highlight in the portfolio report the figures you are working with

Bank notes1

Schedule 2 – interest

  • Interest payments
    Bank statements covering the full accounting period
  • Share dividends
    Statements or portfolio evidence. If there are several investments please indicate in the portfolio document which figures you have used in the account form.
  • Bonds
    Valuations if bonds have been bought. If bonds were sold, provide evidence of sale value and evidence of where funds now lodged.


Schedule 3 – income

  • Work/state pension
    Bank statements and letter giving the annual position if possible
  • State benefits and allowances
    Bank statements and full award letter including page 3 which details if the allowance is income or contributions based
  • Annuities
    Bank statements


Schedule 4 – other income

  • Rental income from properties
    Bank statements and a rental agreement if we don’t already know about it
  • Refunds from care home
    Bank statements and a copy of the letter/credit note
  • Rebates
    Bank statements and a copy of the letter/credit note
  • Other refunds
    This might include shop returns, goods, clothes, utility refunds, council tax etc. looking for a copy of the bank statement showing the deposit
  • Trust dividends
    Bank statements and schedule letter
  • Interest from a business
    Bank statements


Schedule 5 – living expenses

  • Care costs
    bank statements / paid invoices
  • Hairdressing/Chiropody
    Statement of account from care home. Also include the personal allowance statement so it’s clear where the funds have gone.
  • Mortgage / rent (share)
    Bank statements or a letter from council/housing association
  • Utility costs
    Bank statements / paid invoices / receipts
  • Contracts e.g. Sky TV, mobile phone
    Bank statements
  • Purchases over £200
  • Trips/holidays for adult
    Booking confirmation showing adult’s name, receipts, list of passengers
  • Pre-paid funeral plan
    Bank statement or paid invoice


Schedule 6 – other expenses

  • Caution
    Endorsement letter confirming payment
  • OPG fees and remuneration
    bank statement and we can check our records too
  • Legal fees
    Paid invoices
  • Conveyancing fees
    Paid invoices
  • Financial advice
    Paid invoices
  • Renovations / repairs to adult’s property
    You will need to get estimates for the work and submit these to us. The work can only commence once we agree and provide confirmation. The costs should be detailed in the account and receipts over £100 must be provided.
  • Gifts
    Must be approved in the management plan or a separate gift application made previously to OPG
  • Repayments to Dept. of Work and Pensions (DWP)
    Letter from DWP