Worked examples
We have provided 3 case studies and worked examples of the inventory, management plan and annual account to help outline the type of information we need you to tell us about. While every case is different and will have specific circumstances we have selected 3 cases which guardians may identify with.
Case study A - estate under £30,000
Steven and Susan Ash are financial guardians for their son John. Although they have cared for John for his whole life, they applied to become financial guardians when John turned 16. John gets DLA and income support payments.
The amount of income John receives does not cover all of his expenditure, so his guardians subsidise this. The DLA and income support payments go into his bank account. These funds are used by the financial guardians to pay for all John’s day to day living expenses.
Mr Ash inventory of estate
Mr Ash management plan
Because John has a little income, the financial guardians have been asked to complete a simplified account form and to supply supporting information.
Mr Ash simplified account
Case study B - estate over £30,000
Tom is financial guardian for his father Michael Beech. Michael lives in a nursing home and the local authority has financially assessed him as fully self-funding. Michael has heritable property i.e. he still owns his own home and he has bank accounts with the Bank of Scotland and Nationwide. He receives a private pension and his state pension from Department of Work in Pensions (DWP). He has no other assets.
Mr Beech inventory of estate
Mr Beech management plan
During the account period the guardian sold the heritable property as the funds were needed to pay for nursing home fees. The financial guardian has been asked to submit a standard account form and the supporting information.
Mr Beech standard annual account
Case study C - estate over £30,000
Scot Cedar is guardian for his mother Pat Cedar. Although Pat has heritable property she lives in residential care. She has £30,000 of outstanding care home fees which have to be paid. Pat has several bank accounts and a large investment portfolio.
Mrs Cedar inventory of estate
Mrs Cedar management plan
During the accounting period the guardian rented out the heritable property belonging to Pat to generate some income. He also bought and sold various investments during this period; He has been requested to submit a standard account form along with supporting information.
Mrs Cedar standard annual account