To help avoid your account form and documentation being returned please ensure that it is completed fully and the appropriate supporting information is provided for the full review period.

The information below outlines the common reasons why an account will not meet the 90% clean standard and thus be returned to you for amendment.

Accounting form
  • Account form is not fully completed
  • Submitting an account in the form of ‘charge and discharge’
  • Using ledger sheets to make up accounts which differ from the sums held in bank accounts
  • Valuations for stocks and shares do not match the evidence submitted
  • Closing balances do not match bank statements due to way details are lodged in the client ledger
  • Adding or deducting monies due to or from the estate to match opening and closing balances – meaning the account does not accurately reflect the position of the estate over the period of review
  • Showing the net value instead of the gross value for the sale or purchase of heritable property
  • Inaccurate recording of pensions
  • Debts shown as negative closing balances
  • Including transactions that occur out with the account period and showing them as a negative balance.
Fee / remuneration
  • Wrong fee submitted e.g. fee based on the closing balance rather than opening balance
  • Interim remuneration taken
  • Department of Work and Pensions benefits paid direct to a nearest relative, thus not technically accounted for
  • No bank statements provided
  • Missing bank statements
  • Caution not confirmed
  • Bank accounts are not in adult’s name